Some nonprofits rely on big donors! Or Lady Luck!
Planning your fundraising budget based on what worked in the past (or relying on luck) is eventual disaster. Even if your income has been growing annually, you must target higher levels of growth. Your nonprofit or community organization can double or triple its income in a three-year plan. You can raise more money - and achieve greater impact!
The key to long-term fundraising success: STRATEGY
The right fundraising strategies can be rocket fuel. Author Ken Phillips steps through 25 essential fundraising strategies – interspersed with real-world examples. These foundational strategies guide you to build a sustainable organization with ongoing fundraising success.
“I love the concept of Total Organization Fundraising. Ken, you have such varied experiences of different kinds of organizations and places – this really adds a level of interest and engagement.”
—Margaret Neu, Executive Director,
Meatless Mondays, New York, USA
Publisher: NGO Futures LLC
ISBN: 978-1-7923-3137-4
Genres: Business & Economics / Nonprofit Organizations & Charities / Management & Leadership /
Fundraising & Grants
Retail Price: $16.95
(Wholesaler discounts available - contact NGO Futures.)
Format: Paperback, B&W Photos
Trim: 6" x 9"
Pages: 346
Release Date: February 14, 2021
Also available as a Kindle eBook through Amazon.
25 Proven Strategies for Fundraising Success:
How to win the love and support of donors
By Ken Phillips
Book Three in the Civil Society Series
Fundraising strategies include how to:
Diversify your income sources to ensure sustainability
Develop new markets and new products for your donors
Develop partnerships to build capacities you need to grow
Transform your organization from dependence to taking control
Are you ready to double or triple fundraising revenue?
If you are an Executive Director, this is a call to action! Take the lead to address these strategies, which are critical for growth and sustainability. If you are a Fundraising Manager, this is your invitation to step up as a leader. You can “lead the charge” to implement strategies that impact fundraising – and your entire organization.
The ultimate fundraising guidebook for nonprofit leaders and fundraisers
Read detailed discussions on:
Goals versus Strategy versus Tactics
Noteworthy strategies in American fundraising
25 fundraising strategies, presented in detail with many examples
BONUS Worksheet: Develop your fundraising strategies to reap greater results
Most NGOs need better strategies. What’s holding you back?
"The issue of fundraising strategy is undervalued by charity managers. It is much more than just figures in the Excel spreadsheet and list of potential supporters. It is always a conscious and thorough choice of all aspects of ‘the asks’: who, why, when, and how. Before we make those choices, learn how others do it and take time to gain competence. Ken’s book will help."
– Irina Menshenina, Executive Director, Association of Fundraisers in Russia, Founder, Charity Solutions Consulting, Moscow, Russia, and Author of Collect People – Money Will Come
"Ken, I would like to take this opportunity to share my appreciation for your consulting work, helping us to develop an entirely new fundraising strategy."
– Jean-Noel Wetterwald, Chief, Resource Mobilization Branch, United Nations Population Fund, New York, USA
"Money follows the program. And we need the best fundraising strategy to make a difference toward a better world!"
– Gunther Lutschinger, CEO Fundraising Verband Austria (Fundraising Association Austria), Vienna, Austria
"Ken, when you joined Foster Parents Plan, we were already doing annual business planning. What we weren’t doing was thinking BIG and BOLD, but you changed all that. Instead of incremental and realistic achievable growth, you introduced a culture of stretching our expectations and imaginations – and our targets stretched too. Then you changed the board’s thinking, recruited new members, and convinced them (and your international colleagues) to give you the necessary tools to compete with other larger and more well-known organizations. The bottom line was significant investment in new and existing channels, and the organization tripled in size in your ten-year tenure, a remarkable success story. I am glad you wrote 25 Proven Strategies because too many nonprofits fall short in their strategic planning – many don’t try."
– Mike Walsh, Chairman, Newport ONE, Inc., Boston and Washington, DC, USA
"The issue of fundraising strategy is undervalued by charity managers. It is much more than just figures in the Excel spreadsheet and list of potential supporters. It is always a conscious and thorough choice of all aspects of ‘the asks’: who, why, when, and how. Before we make those choices, learn how others do it and take time to gain competence. Ken’s book will help."
– Irina Menshenina, Executive Director, Association of Fundraisers in Russia, Founder, Charity Solutions Consulting, Moscow, Russia, and Author of Collect People – Money Will Come