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Writer's pictureKen Phillips

Ken wins the AIESEC Peacebuilder Award

AIESEC Peacebuilder - 70th Anniversary Edition

Ken Phillips

Leadership Trainer, Civil Society Strategist, Writer | United States


We are thrilled to share that just before Covid Ken Phillips was honored with the prestigious AIESEC Peacebuilder Award in its 70th Anniversary Edition. This accolade is a testament to his lifelong dedication to promoting peace, leadership, and international understanding through his work with civil society organizations and his contributions to fostering global harmony.

Ken's Journey to the Peacebuilder Award

Ken Phillips has a long-standing history of involvement with AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-led organization dedicated to peace and international understanding. His journey with AIESEC began at Princeton University, where he served as Local President. He then founded AIESEC at the University of Michigan and was elected United States National President. During the 1960s, Ken supported AIESEC in Hungary and Yugoslavia and served as AIESEC representative at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Contribution to AIESEC’s Vision

Ken's contributions have significantly advanced AIESEC’s vision of peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential. He served on the AIESEC Alumni Board of Advisors, chaired many task forces, and is a regular mentor for AIESEC students. Additionally, he led the AIESEC Ambassadors Project to secure support for the alumni association, continually fostering the development of future leaders.

Ken’s commitment to AIESEC and other organizations is highlighted by his impressive fundraising achievements. In 1963 as a student, Ken raised the equivalent of $250,000 in today's currency to support travel and accommodation for 100 students to attend an AIESEC national conference. As AIESEC-US national president, he boosted traineeship offers by an impressive 50%. 

His unwavering commitment to global education led him to the Institute of International Education, where he orchestrated initiatives that secured $18 million in today's currency for international study programs benefiting American minorities and international students in the U.S. And then on to VP for fundraising at Save the Children US,  executive director of Plan International USA, and head of organization development at the International Red Cross.

Professional and Volunteer Work

Ken has dedicated his professional life to building NGOs as significant contributors to peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential. Over the past 25 years as a consultant, he has promoted civil society development in Eastern and Central Europe and other regions through more than 100 consulting assignments and 100+ NGO workshops, reaching thousands of nonprofit leaders. His focus is energizing leaders of small and large organizations to generate increased funding and achieve greater impact.

Ken's volunteer work is equally impressive. He revitalized the West Broadway Neighborhood Association in Providence, served in Rhode Island’s Constitutional Convention, led an Affordable Housing Committee in Connecticut, and founded GreeningRozzie in Boston. His unwavering commitment to community development and leadership has made a lasting impact on many lives.

Award Presentation

The AIESEC Peacebuilder Award was presented to Ken during a special ceremony celebrating AIESEC's 70th anniversary. The award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to promoting peace and understanding through their work with AIESEC and beyond.

Ken's Reflections on Receiving the Award

In his acceptance speech, Ken expressed his gratitude for the recognition and reiterated his belief in the power of youth leadership to create a more peaceful world. He highlighted the importance of continued efforts to support and empower young leaders, stating, "The future of our world depends on the ability of young people to lead with compassion, understanding, and a commitment to peace."


Ken Phillips' receipt of the AIESEC Peacebuilder Award underscores the significant impact of his work in promoting peace and leadership. His dedication to mentoring young leaders and fostering international understanding has left an indelible mark on many lives and continues to inspire future generations. Learn more about AIESEC’s mission and Ken’s contributions at AIESEC US. Visit

Join us in celebrating Ken’s remarkable achievement and learn more about his work at Access free resources and get a 30% discount on paperback books to further your own leadership journey. This marks the end of our award announcements. Stay tuned for our upcoming blogs, which will delve into more substantive issues on developing your leadership and making a difference in your community.

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